
Collaborative Divorce: Doing it with Sensitivity and Wisdom

Divorce or separation has likely been on your mind for some time…
Chances are, you’re overwhelmed with a multitude of questions:

• How do we get through the divorce crisis?
• How much will it cost?
• How will we manage economically?
• How do we tell the children? And how will the divorce affect them?
• Where will we live? Will we have to sell the house?
• How much time will I have with the children and how will our relationship be affected?
• How will we divide our property, without causing unnecessary damage to our security?
• How do we deal with all the frustration, anger and disappointment?
• Is s/he involved romantically with someone else?

You’re no doubt feeling vulnerable and confused.

Let's consider these questions together and make some sense of the chaos.
If you’re looking to lead your family to a safe haven after the storm, turn to us.

We relate to your situation as a family crisis which influences all members of the family unit in multiple ways – emotionally, financially and functionally. We help you to understand and address your needs and interests, in a way that leaves each of you stronger and better prepared to move forward.
We at SMART DIVORCE: The Israeli Center for Separation in a Better Way are experts in Family Law and in family dynamics, and we’ll show you the way. Our multi-disciplinary staff will help you to deal with the issues. Together, we’ll consider the entire range of issues and help you make the best possible decisions.

Our work is based on the Collaborative Divorce method, which was developed in the U.S. and Canada in the 1990s and is rapidly becoming the preferred way to divorce throughout the western world. Adapted to Israeli law and its legal system, Collaborative Divorce helps families make the difficult transitions in the least painful way possible — without causing additional conflict or harm.

Each of you will have your own lawyer and family advisor (a qualified therapist) to help you feel safe and supported through the process. We work with each member of the family unit to transform hostility and frustration into cooperative relationships and help achieve optimal long-term solutions for you and your family. Our staff typically meets as well with the children, so that they feel a part of the process. As-needed, a Financial Advisor may also be consulted.
With the help of our sensitive and highly professional team, your family will develop the attitudes and skills to function effectively within its new composition.

It is possible to have a Smart Divorce.

We’ll help you:

            • Minimize mental and financial damage
• Conduct an honorable and dignified process
• Protect all members of your family, and especially the children
• Build a future of parental cooperation
• Shorten the process of arriving at a fair, “livable” agreement

The end of your couplehood doesn't have to mean mutual destruction.
SMART DIVORCE: The Israeli Center for Separation in a Better Way enables the resolution of family conflict out of court.
And it does so in a way that reduces expenses and emotional costs. This is the only method that involves all family members, providing the necessary support to continue their lives in a strong, healthy and positive way.

Our team is an experienced and efficient multi-disciplinary staff, ready to help your family make the transition.

So why choose this way to separate or divorce?

SMART DIVORCE: The Israeli Center for Separation in a Better Way provides a deep and comprehensive solution that:

•  Relates to the real needs of both adults and children.
•  Helps achieve an agreed solution that the entire family "can live with".
•  Provides professional advice and emotional support by leading professionals
•  Addresses emotional barriers on the way to a win-win agreement.
•  Keeps the children’s needs in the forefront.
•  Includes financial consultation on the family assets.
•  Focuses on creating a better future.

And all this in a fraction of the time and cost it takes to go through the courts.

For additional information, feel free to contact any member of the team.
Randy Tischler is a native English speaker.